Birds of South Florida

A Photographic Guide Page 2

birds in flight

Gulls and Terns along Daytona's Municipal Beach, in March 2019.

This guide is divided into three pages, each with navigation links to the next page at the bottom. Birds are organized by family, with a list of families at the top of each page. Click the photo or name to see photographs and detailed information for a particular bird.

On This Page

Laridae — Gulls, Terns and Skimmers
Haematopodidae — Oystercatchers
Phalacrocoracidae — Cormorants
Fregatidae — Frigatebirds
Pelecanidae — Pelicans
Charadriidae — Plovers
Scolopacidae — Sandpipers and Allies
Caprimulgidae — Goatsuckers, Night Jars
Troglodytidae — Wrens
Cardinalidae — Grosbeaks and Buntings
Corvidae — Crows and Jays
Icteridae — Blackbirds
Mimidae — Mockingbirds and Thrashers
Bombylicclidae — Waxwings
Cuculidae — Cuckoos and Anis
Laniidae — Shrikes
Tyrannidae — Tyrant Flycatchers
Turdidae — Thrushes
Trochilidae — Hummingbirds

Laridae — Gulls, Terns, Skimmers and Skuas

Haematopodidae — Oystercatchers

Phalacrocoracidae — Cormorants

Fregatidae — Frigatebirds

Pelecanidae — Pelicans

Charadriidae — Plovers

Scolopacidae — Sandpipers and Allies

Caprimulgidae — Goatsuckers, Night Jars

Troglodytidae — Wrens

Cardinalidae — Grosbeaks and Buntings

Corvidae — Crows and Jays

Icteridae — Blackbirds

Mimidae — Mockingbirds and Thrashers

Bombycillidae — Waxwings

Cuculidae — Cuckoos and Anis

Laniidae — Shrikes

Tyrannidae — Tyrant Flycatchers

Turdidae — Thrushes

Trochilidae — Hummingbirds

Published by Wild South Florida, PO Box 7241, Delray Beach, FL 33482.

Photographs by David Sedore. Photographs are property of the publishers and may not be used without permission.